Standing by Project OOO- 2011 Main Theme: 'Unity in Diversity'- ‘Lyrical Soul’
The Collaborative Contemporary Art Project between artists and young people
Workshop schedule: One month from 17 July 2011- 12 August 2011
Exhibition: 18th-27th August 2011 Dukwon Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Organized By: MIZY Center and Alternative Space Loop, South Korea
Student Group: Yoon So Young, Jung- hyoeun, Yu Dong-Gyun, So Sun Park, Kim Min Young, Oh Soe Young, Lee- hyun Soo, Kim Kyung Min, Choi Do Dum, Gu Hyun Hee
Translator - Chung Park
During the workshop time we were searching for our own poetic life. Sometimes our personal feelings are expressionless and sometimes we don't find the best words for our expression. May be it is an invisible imagination and a hidden expression. This {is it?} is possible express different way, we made some imaginative exercise for express out our poetic life, made some poetic expression which is visible. In the beginning of workshop I shared the students an idea how to make poem together. First I wrote on the paper a line which was on my mind, after translating the line in Korean, it was passed onto each of the students. All of the students one after another read the previous lines and wrote one line from their own thoughts. In this process we made some poems. After creating the poem/s we selected some poems for making some creative activities like Installations, Performances. Illustrations, Image making etc... I shared the students some of my experiences for inspiration and generating the idea. Then we negotiated which option preferable and which was new for them and interesting. After negotiating, the students got an idea which poem more suitable for the media like one of poem Installation made by acrylic sheet and painting, another one Performance on the public space, other one made physical actions photograph which we feel and made book illustrations made by founding objects independently.
(Image Installation Of Performative action)
Lot of stone before us
우리 앞의 장애물들
걸림돌이 아니라 디딤돌로 만들고 싶다
하나하나 건너갈 때마다 성장하게끔
장애물 앞에서 좌절은 그만하고 싶다
우리들은 걸림돌을 디딤돌로 만들 수 있는 힘이 있다
우리는 아직 어리니까
훗날 그 장애물에게 감사할 수 있을 것이다
그만큼 성장할테니
그만큼 감사하리라
Lot of stone before us
not an abstacle but a step stone
to make us grow up when we cross the each one
no more breakdown in front of obstacle
we have a power to make the abstacle into a step stone
because we are still young
we will be able to appreciate the abstacles in the future
we will grow up that much
we will appreciate that much
(Installation: Mixed Media)
Hearing a good sound
마음에 드는 (좋은) 소리를 듣는다
저절로 머릿 속에 음표가 그려진다
저번에 들었을땐 미리 좋은 소리로 느껴지진 않았는데
점점 몸이 리듬을 맞춰간다
또 그 리듬은 우리는 함께한다
신명나게 춤을 춘다
그 음악과 우리는 하나가 된다 춤을 통해서
그 음악을 진정으로 같이 느끼고 싶다
같이 느끼고 서로 나누면 더 좋겠다
좋아하는 음악 알려주세요
기분을 좋게 하는 신나는 리듬이 있는 음악!
Hearing a good sound
spontaneously drawing notes in my head
it did not feel this nice last time i heard
the body is adjusting to the rhythm more
and the rhythm is with us
dance like deuteronomy
the music and us become together through dance
i want to feel the music truly together
tell me about your favorite musicsharing and feeling it together would be nicer
exciting rhythm music that make us feel good !
The sky is blue today
오늘 하늘은
오랫만에 보는 파란색이라 반가운 파란색이다
푸른 하늘을 보니 푸른바다가 떠오른다
바다속은 시원하겠지만 해변은 덥겠지?
바다물이 흐르듯이 마음이 흘러야 소통이 이루어진다
이 바닷물은 너무 잠잠 하다. 해변보다 덥고 조용하다
물결을 요동치게 하기 위해선 돌멩이 하나면 충분할텐데
그냥 다같이 돌멩이 던졌으면...
조만간 누군가 던질듯 하다
다들 그 누군가가 자기는 아니라고 생각한다
(Polaroid film-Video Installation)
‘Insignificant People (시시한 사람들)' from Palash Bhattacharjee on Vimeo.
Street Performance in Hyehwa, Seoul
The sky is blue today
its a nice blue that i havent seen for awhile
looking at this blue sky reminds me a blue sea
the ocean is probably cold but beach must be hot
like the sea flows, mind flow makes the communication
this sea water is too quite, quiter and hotter than the beach
to shake this water all we need is a stone
we all should throw a stone together
soon someone will throw one
but no one thinks its themself to do so
( or everyone thinks its not them to do it )
someone will...
Book illustration
Book illustration
Book illustration
***Alternative Space LOOP progress all this project that young students around 15~20-year-old work with international & domestic artists in contemporary art scene during one month of vacation with MIZY (Seoul Youth Cultural Exchange Center)which is a space that has made a consignment contract regarding management with the city of Seoul and UNESCO committee in Korea.