Single Channel Video, 3 Minutes 4 Seconds, 2012, Chittagong.
This video is one of my childhood memory. I made some sound effect of vehicles. I used my voice with some kids. The video starts with the sound of vehicles and smoke on the toys. The sound continues, some drop of water fall and then the toys crashed on an unknown way.
Once upon a playtime from Palash Bhattacharjee on Vimeo.
The art exhibition titled “Path!”, a tribute to Bangladeshi independent film director Tareque Masud, cinematographer-journalist Mishuk Munier and their team Wasim, Jamal, Mustafiz who died in a road accident near Ghior Upazila on 13 August 2011 while returning to Dhaka from Manikhanj on the Dhaka-Aricha highway after visiting a shooting location. Path!(পথ!) is a Bengali word which English meaning 'The Way!'.
Once upon a playtime from Palash Bhattacharjee on Vimeo.
The art exhibition titled “Path!”, a tribute to Bangladeshi independent film director Tareque Masud, cinematographer-journalist Mishuk Munier and their team Wasim, Jamal, Mustafiz who died in a road accident near Ghior Upazila on 13 August 2011 while returning to Dhaka from Manikhanj on the Dhaka-Aricha highway after visiting a shooting location. Path!(পথ!) is a Bengali word which English meaning 'The Way!'.