Saturday, November 5, 2016


Three channel video installation
Three minutes loop.
video produced at 2014
Show: ‘আত্ম/পরিচয়’ Self/Identity
Bangladesh National Museum, Nalinikanta Bhattasali Gallery, Dhaka, 2016.
Curated by Wakilur rahman and Kehkasha Sabah

Through the three channel video, the inversion of linearity of the following structure speaker-speech-sense has been highlighted. Here the inability prevailing over the world is pointed out. As a matter of fact, the speakers' a type of inversion has been exposed in the three channel video. It seems that being in the midst of contiguity and remoteness the speaker becomes egocentric and psychopath.

I picked three common functions from my everyday life. I performed these functions loudly using the microphone. I recorded these videos with the noise of sound of the performance. In the first one, I was coughing. In the middle video, I was hushing to express my disapproval of some annoyance.  I was responding to other things to show my approval.

A Broadcasting, three channel video installation with sound at Bangladesh National Museum, Nalinikanta Bhattasali Gallery, Dhaka, 2016.