Friday, May 10, 2024

Insomni - lucid sleep

Mixed-media installation, 2023
Bangla and English texts in LED neon, photograph (18 pieces),  single-channel video
Duration of video: One minute twenty  five second
Solo Exhibition: Of Fragments
Curated by Sharmillie Rahman
Kalakendra, Lalmatia, Dhaka

'The vast arsenal of embodied experientiality Palash calls into action emerge ‘re-materialized’ on photographic surfaces/screens in the form digitally encoded simulation. The virtual corporeality thus constructed becomes the stuff of a parallel reality which is based more on transposition or replacement of identity than on similarity or representation. In a spirit of suspension of disbelief, the audience is trans(tele)ported to the claustrophobic world of a series of digital photographs entitled “Insomni-Lucid Sleep” where the ‘characters’, partially defamiliarized with the help of props, stage a performative ‘re-enactment’ of straddling a threshold between light and dark, metaphorically indicating knowing without seeing, as the Bangla title roughly translates, “ I can see with eyes shut during sleeplessness”. Or, where the video projection of a night bulb turns into a lodestar, eternally failing to show any path of resolution to the meaningless absurdities of life.'

 - Sharmillie Rahman

Insomni - lucid sleep, LED neon installation, 6.5 X 35 in, 2023
Insomni - lucid sleep, LED neon installation,18 X 30 in, 2023

Insomni - lucid sleep, photograph (18 pieces), 12 X 9.5 in, 2023

Insomni - lucid sleep, props, 2023
Photo courtesy: Sheik Nafi Hassan

Insomni - lucid sleep, props, single-channel video, installation view,  2023

Insomni - lucid sleep, video still single-channel video, video still 2023